Thursday, January 7, 2010

Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is something that is used off of the human energy process. It is comprised of the electromagnetic patterns that are used in mental, emotional, and physical responses. When someone is sick, it is said that they human energy is in poor condition and it needs to be repaired with the polarity therapy process. When using the energy that is based in bodywork, exercise, dieting, and being aware, polarity therapy is going to give the body a stronger human energy field. This will in return make them healthier.

Polarity therapy was first used by Randolph Stone that published a total of seven works by 1954 that talked about what he found in his research into using energy in the healing art form. He found that touch, diet, movement, sounds, attitudes, and relationships as well as the things that happen in life experiences affect the human energy field. He used his findings and theories during his medical career in Chicago and had a great deal of success with the majority of the patients. After treatment, some of Stone's students that carried on his work and in 1984 the American polarity Therapy Association was discovered and since then, Polarity therapy has became an used a lot in the form of medicine and has been more diverse than when it was first thought of.

A person's energy is supposed to flow smoothly and clearly. When it does a person is gong to be thought of as healthy. However, blockages in the flow of energy can occur due to stress or other factors in life. When this does happen, a body will become less healthy and pan and some illness can occur. Polarity therapy is going to look for blockages and will try to get rid of them and this will allow the energy to flow free again. A usual polarity therapy session can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. In this time, there will be different types of touch and speaking interactions that will happen. The professional will use degrees of touch on the patient in the form of light and hard in order to help their muscles relax and this will help to fight stress. The person will also try and make the person more aware of their energy in the body and this will help them to be more aware of the energy that they have. Doing this will make them more calm and give them the chance to be calmer.

Polarity therapy is a great cure for so many people and has great success in the form of stress relief. After the therapy session a person will feel more relaxed and a happier person. It is a great way to take away the tension and bring out a stronger person and help them a lot.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


One physical way to manipulate the body soft tissues is Rolfing. This is a term used in structural integration. Rolfing is going to organize the relationship of soft tissues to each other in order to harmony to the body and allow free movement. This is going to enhance a person's well being and it is going to be used in many different parts of alternative medicine and it is thought to be an excellent process in helping a person get rid of stress and move around easier.

Ida Pauline Rolf is the person that is responsible for finding this technique and it has been appropriately named for her. In the 1950's Rolf took her knowledge in biochemistry to develop a method to involve the body in realignment to relation to gravity. She termed this process Structural Integration of the Human Body. Since the 1970's Rolfing has been used to realign the body and to create a happy state of mind.

Using the process of Rolfing will mean touching the skin of a person in order to find any imbalance in the tissues structure of the body and to separate what Ida Rolf called fascial layers that will start and muscles will be pulled out of the position due to energy. Rolfing is a massage technique and it will work to let out the pressure for the tissue of any stress that many have cause them harm. According to Rolfing, all of the parts of the body are aligned even the ankles, pelvis, hips, knees, and shoulders. It is the only way that the body will be balanced with gravity and in the state of having a good relaxation and gives more happiness to the person.

Using these techniques in the right way is hard to do and a certified Rolfing therapist needs to spend a lot of years learning and researching it. This will cost about $10,000. There is only one school located in Colorado that will teach this technique and there are a couple of others schools that will learn students something similar called structural integration instead of Rolfing. They are different in name; they are almost the same thing.

There are a lot of people that do not believe in Rolfing. Therapists are using the techniques and have found it to be successful and many patients have said to be more relaxed and happier when they are leaving a Rolfing session. Using the tissue therapy and naturals forces of gravity means that Rolfing is going to grow and become more popular in all parts of the world in the future.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Light Therapy

Before the times of new modern medicine it did take a long time to heal wounds and illnesses. It should make someone think about how those problems were even healed at all. The answer is easy. The answer is light. Sunlight was and still is a great cure for illnesses and wounds and is rarely used today. Those that practice alternative medicine are looking to light therapy as a new and natural cure for many different types of problems with the physical and emotional body.

The average person is a whole lot busier than people back before modern medicine. It would not make sense for someone to spend hours in the sun and have this just heal something that can be cured in no time when using a pill. It is possible to be cured by light like sunlight. Spending an hour or so in the sun can cure a headache. Having longer exposure can help to protect a wound from becoming infected.

With this information, current alternative medicine professionals are using the healing power of light in order to help their patients with the physical and emotional problems that they have. There are a few different techniques that are used and depending on how severe the problem is. Some of the therapists use fluorescent bulbs next to their patients and have them sit by them for a few hours. Doing this procedure will help and the patient will be able to read so that they do not focus their attention on the lights. Another good use is to cure the aches and pains that people have in the body with intense light with a smaller beam and have it shine on the part of the body that is in pain.

Using light therapy is known to help cure several disorders but the most common is a winter type depression. This is a mental and physical condition of depression that occurs during the winter months. It is a theory that this depression will come because of the lack of sunlight and in may places during the winter months. Exposure to light will make up for this problem and it will hopefully get rid of the winter depression. This is just one idea that will show you how light therapy will work in the ideas of the medicine world today.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Music Therapy

The National Association for Music Therapy in 1950 was formed and it brought music therapy in the world of professionalism. This was the root for the music therapy discovery. Using music as a cure for a person's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being has been used for centuries. However it was never referred to a professional science. Even though everyone does not consider it to be, music therapy will make up a significant part of alternative therapy medicine.

There are many people that refer to music therapy for help. These people are professionals like a physician, psychologist, or a social worker. There are also many parents that will use music therapy for their children. There are reasons that someone will come under the care of a music therapist and they will always be in good hands. A music therapist is going to be a very qualified individual with a good education and training. There are music therapists that often work with the physically handicapped and the abused. This is also something that will help the elderly, terminally ill and the mentally retarded.

Music therapy techniques are different and will deal with the expression of emotions for calming the body. A music therapist may tell a patient to sing to express their emotions that need to be let out. Others many also use piano playing as a way to increase their motor skills and other may use instruments to help a patient illustrate his or her inside feelings. There are different applications for music therapy and making it an exciting and interesting part.

There are patients that are involved in music therapy and are going to increase their skill in using an instrument or in another part of music that is not the main focus. Music therapy is gong to focus on the areas of communication, academic and motor and social skills. All of these areas can be impacted with the use of music and proven by music therapists over and over.

Music cannot cure in a disabilities and illnesses. It is a good tool when used by those that are willing to participate in getting music therapy to help them with problems. Many use it in hospitals, rehab centers, and retirement homes. It can also help many children that are dealing with social skills in school. Music therapy can help in these fields and it is very interesting to learn that music therapy is showing up everywhere and the way that music therapy will be more popular in the future.